Recent Publications

Lorimer G.S. (2024). Indices for ecological condition of native vegetation: A review, and introducing the HH2.0 method. Ecological Management & Restoration

Lorimer G.S. (2022). Bushland Management Plan for Koolunga Native Reserve and Vaughan Road Reserve, Ferntree Gully, for Knox City Council. 89 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2020). Biodiversity in Maroondah, for Maroondah City Council. 2 volumes, 152 + 851 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2018). Biodiversity in Glen Eira, for Glen Eira City Council. 78 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2016). Shiny Nematolepis Monitoring 2016, for Parks Victoria. 42 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2014). Monitoring of Bushland Reserves in Knox - 2014 Review. Knox City Council, Wantirna South. 163 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2014). The Combined Effects of Grazing and Fire in Churchill National Park - Report 6. Report to Parks Victoria, Lysterfield, Victoria. 29 pp.

Lorimer G.S. and Carr G.W. (2013). Management Plan for the Kilsyth South Spider-orchid, 2013. Report to Maroondah City Council.

Lorimer G.S. (2013). Wallaby-Grasses of Victoria (Rytidosperma in the broad sense). Biosphere Pty Ltd, Bayswater North, Victoria.

Lorimer G.S. (2013). The Combined Effects of Grazing and Fire in Churchill National Park - Report 5. Report to Parks Victoria, Lysterfield, Victoria. 40 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2013). 2013 Management Plan for the Bateman Street Bush, Wantirna. Report to Knox City Council. ii+67 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2012). Knox Revegetation Plan. Knox City Council, Wantirna, Victoria. xii+96 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2012). Assessment and Mapping of Hoddles Creek Riparian Vegetation, 2012. Report to Melbourne Water and the Friends of Hoddles Creek. iv+62 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2012). Vegetation Assessment and Mapping of Hoddles Creek Education Area - 2012 Update. Report to Friends of Hoddles Creek. 18 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2012). Monitoring Vegetation Change at Wicks Reserve Associated with a Bio-infiltration Pond. Report to Knox City Council. 13 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2011). Melbourne's plant life - Past and present. Victorian Naturalist 128(5):175-181.

Lorimer G.S. (2011). Lake Mountain Leadbeater's Possum Habitat Quadrat Survey 2011, for Parks Victoria. 52 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2011). 2011 Bushland Management Plan for Flamingo Reserve, Wantirna South. Report to Knox City Council, Wantirna South. ii+58 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2009-2011). A series of nineteen reports for Nillumbik Shire Council containing assessments of how the natural environment was affected by the Black Saturday bushfires on various properties and how nature was recovering.

Lorimer G.S. (2011). The Combined Effects of Grazing and Fire in Churchill National Park - Report 4. Report to Parks Victoria, Lysterfield, Victoria. 25 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2011). Baluk Willam Nature Conservation Reserve - Vegetation Monitoring 2011 for Parks Victoria. 146 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2010). Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, 2nd edition. Knox City Council, Wantirna, Victoria. 2 volumes, 127 + 562 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2010). Comprehensive 'Red List' assessments of flora at the municipal scale. Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia 2010 Conference, page 290.

Lorimer G.S. (2010). Shiny Nematolepis Management Plan 2010, for the Department of Sustainability & Environment and Parks Victoria. 52 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2010). Management Plan for Locally Threatened Species in Knox - 2010. Report to Knox City Council. 17 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2010). 2010 Bushland Management Plan for Roselyn Crescent Reserve, Boronia. Report to Knox City Council, Wantirna South. ii+47 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2010). Locally Threatened Plants in Manningham. Report to Manningham City Council. 31 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2010). First Anniversary Report on Environmental Impacts of a 2009 Bushfire at Birdsland Reserve, Belgrave Heights. Report to the Shire of Yarra Ranges, Lilydale, Victoria. 19 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2010). Olinda Reservoir - Weed and Flora Mapping. Report to Melbourne Water Corporation, East Melbourne, Victoria. 24 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2009). The Vegetation of Montrose Service Reservoir, 2009. Report to Melbourne Water Corporation, East Melbourne, Victoria. 24 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2009). The Combined Effects of Grazing and Fire in Churchill National Park - Report 2. Report to Parks Victoria, Lysterfield, Victoria. 19 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2009). 2009 Bushland Management Plan for Heany Park, Rowville, and adjacent Girl Guides' Land. Report to Knox City Council, Wantirna South. iv+53 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2009). 2009 Bushland Management Plan for Lakewood Nature Reserve, Knoxfield. Report to Knox City Council, Wantirna South. ii+49 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2008). Landscape-Scale Monitoring of Native Vegetation Condition in Manningham. Manningham City Council, Doncaster, Victoria. 21 pp. (Available via internet.)

Lorimer G.S. (2008). Bushland Management Guidance for 56 The Avenue, Ferntree Gully and Adjacent Land, for Knox City Council. 14 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2007). The Combined Effects of Grazing and Fire in Churchill National Park - Report 1. Report to Parks Victoria, Lysterfield, Victoria. 19 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2007). Baluk Willam Nature Conservation Reserve - Vegetation Monitoring 2006 for Parks Victoria.

Lorimer G.S. (2007). Monitoring of Bushland Reserves in Knox - 2007 Review. Knox City Council, Wantirna. 133 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2007). 2007 Bushland Management Plan for W.G. Morris Reserve, Wantirna. Report to Knox City Council, Wantirna South. vii+52 pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2006). Bushland Management Plan for Koolunga Native Reserve, Ferntree Gully, for Knox City Council. 37+ii pp.

Lorimer G.S. (2006). Inventory and Assessment of Indigenous Flora and Fauna in Boroondara, 1st edition, for the City of Boroondara. 480 pp.